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Unit Events


 There are many events that cadets plan and organize to give everyone a chance to learn and have fun such as Freshmen Gathering, Dining Out, Flight Competition, Awards Night, Military Ball, SLS (Summer Leadership School), Homecoming Parade, and Recruiting. Of the many activities we have, two of these are mandatory events, Dining Out and Military ball. All cadets are welcome to participate in any upcoming events and be a part of the CA-942 family. 


Freshmen Gathering

The first event of the year, planned by the chaplain of the unit, is Freshmen Gathering. Freshmen Gathering, also known as Freshmen Lock-In, is an event that gives new cadets a chance to talk to second, third, and fourth years and socialize with one another. The first activity of this event is outdoor games and activities. Cadets go outside, play games as a group, run around, and have fun while being active at the same time. Afterwards, cadets head back to the room and eat food that all the cadets bring. During this time, everyone has the chance to talk to each other, ask questions, and socialize with everyone. Then second, third, and fourth year cadets, tell tales of their great experiences they've had in the unit and the experiences they've had with the other cadets in the unit. After watching a movie together, cadets help clean up and end the night. Everyone that comes to freshmen gathering leaves feeling like they have another family. The goal of freshmen gathering is to make new cadets feel welcome to our unit and answer any questions anyone may have. 

Dining In/Out

The next event is Dining Out, planned by Special Projects, which is a military dinner where cadets come to the mess hall in uniform, eat and honor POWs/MIAs. The purpose of dining out is to bring a sense of camaraderie and good fellowship. In the Air Force, there is a tradition called the Grog Bowl. Grog is a secret mixture of various foods created by, in CA-942, the seniors of the unit. The grog, in a sense, is a form of punishment for any cadets who have done something wrong. Any cadet is welcome to call out any other cadet(s) who've commited an infraction, and mandate them to drink a full cup of grog. However, the cadet must present the infraction in the form of a limerick to Sir/Madam Vice, who decides whether or not the cadet being accused is mandated to drink the grog. If the cadet accused, does not drink the whole cup, the remaining drink is poured over their head.

Flight Competition

Flight Competition is a personal event for CA-942 where each flight competes against each other in a battle of creativity, drill skills, and determination. Each flight chooses cadets to lead three events: Inspection, Regulation, and Exhibition. During class time, every cadet in each flight works together to create their own, personal exhibition sequence which consists of anything they desire (following the regulations). Every flight will be inspected and graded on their performance by the unit's leadership. Which ever flight performs the best, showing their skills, ddication, and pride, is awarded with "Honor Flight".

Awards Night

Each semester, our unit has an awards night where cadets are recognized for their achievements and leadership skills. Cadets showing leadership skills and dedication can earn a variety of honors, awards, and medals, and/or be promoted. Guests from a variety of the organizations providing awards are invited to personally hand the cadets their awards. Parents are welcome to attend awards night and see their child be recognized for their accomplishments.

Military Ball

 A popular event with all the cadets is Military Ball, planned by Special Projects. Military Ball is a formal event in second semester reserved specifically for those within the unit that is hosted at the Agua Caliente Hotel. Male cadets come in uniform and female cadets come in their choice of formal attire (dress pants, a formal dress, or uniform). Non-cadets are only permmitted to attend, if accompanied with a cadet. At military ball, the cadets have a formal dinner, invited guests speak, and everyone socializes and dances the night away. Everyone has the chance to take pictures, have fun, and dine in a formal setting. In preparation for the event, cadets are taught proper etiquette and table manners each Tuesday to present themselves in a professional manner. 

Summer Leadership School (SLS)

Summer Leadership School, also known as SLS, is a summer camp at the nearest Marine camp, Camp Pendleton. Many JROTC units in Southern California attend Camp Pendleton over the summer. It gives students a chance to experience what living on base would be like and it's a chance for everyone to bond. They run in the morning, go through obstacle courses, go rock climbing, and live life like Marines. Not only do cadets work hard, they play hard. Paintballing is a popular activity of SLS between all the cadets. Everyone has a ton of fun at SLS no matter what they do, whether it's waking up for early runs or sharing a tent with friends. Unfortuantely we were unable to have one in the summer of 2015, however, in January of 2016, selected cadets will be attending a miniature version of SLS. Summer Leadership School is a great chance for cadets to improve their leadership skills, learn about the military, make new friends, and bring home unforgetable memories.

Homecoming Parade

Each year, our unit drill teams participate in the annual Cathedral City High School Homecoming parade. The students of CCHS can participate in the parade through various clubs and/or buildng their class float. 


Towards the end of every year, a select group of cadets visit the two nearby middle schools, James Workman Middle School and Nellie Coffman Middle School, in an event called Recruiting. The cadets go to talk to the 8th graders and talk about the unit events and why they should join our unit. There are a variety of activities that the cadets do to introduce the 8th graders to the idea of JROTC.

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