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​Cathedral City High School
CA-942 Air Force JROTC
This website is dedicated to our unit mentor and friend. Thank you for everything that you've done for us, you will always be in our hearts.
Rest In Peace Lt. Colonel Steven Flynn | May 13, 2015
Sports Day
Sports Day is an event at Eisenhower High School, in which we compete against other schools for in a vareity of athletic events such as soccer, tug-of-war, pull ups, track and field, etc. In 2014, we placed second in the soccer tournament and the tug of war, and in October of 2015, we were able to come home with first place in tug-of-war and third place in soccer. For the past 6 years, we've held soccer tournaments at our school. In recent years, we've placed multiple times at our soccer tournament, and each year we get better and learn from our experiences. Our cadets practice hard, work hard, and play hard to do their best as they possibly can.
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